IDSA Design Entrepreneurship Deep Dive Panel

I thoroughly enjoyed the opportunity to share my insights and experiences gained from the more than 16 years of operating my own design studio at the IDSA Design Entrepreneurship Deep Dive virtual event. Succeeding in this endeavor demands a willingness to embrace early and frequent failures, coupled with unwavering creative tenacity, along with a healthy dose of persistence, perseverance, and fearlessness. Furthermore, embarking on your entrepreneurial journey inevitably involves facing inherent risks. It also requires the capacity to remain comfortable in uncomfortable situations.

The panel discussion was a resounding success, and I would like to extend my gratitude to the moderator, Steve Doehler, as well as my fellow panelists, Jason Martin, Mickey McManus, and Samantha Noyes, for their valuable contributions.

Additionally, I want to thank IDSA and everyone involved for hosting such a fantastic virtual event. Connecting with the community and hearing insights from many talented individuals was truly enriching. Design entrepreneurship is a significant topic that many face alone, and having a space where we can discuss and support each other is key to fostering success for everyone.